Ayurveda-Inspired Recipes

Nourishing food choices and preparation that will support your digestion throughout the year and keep you healthy during seasonal changes.

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Oven Roasted Sweet Potato

This potato is so moist and sweet, your guests will swear it is filled with butter and sugar, but it’s not!

Ingredients: Sweet potatoes

Supplies: Foil and a fork

Preheat your oven to 425 degrees. Place foil on the bottom rack (not the bottom of the oven), directly below the top rack.

Wash the sweet potatoes with the skin on and lay them on the counter. Use a fork to prick the potatoes three times across the length.

Once the oven is preheated, carefully place the potatoes directly on the top rack. Be sure the foil covers the area below the potatoes because it will catch anything that drips out of the potato. Close the oven door.

Set your timer for the cooking time based on the size of the potato. Small potatoes will cook for about 45 minutes, medium for 1 hour, and large for 1 hour 15 minutes.

Here’s the most important step!: Once the cooking time is finished, leave the oven door closed, turn the oven off, and set the timer for an additional hour. This is an essential part of the cooking process and should not be skipped.

After the final hour, use tongs to remove the potatoes and discard the foil from the bottom rack. That’s it! Wait until you taste the sweet, moist goodness! You can store the potatoes in a container in the fridge with the skin on or off. Serve hot.





  • 1 Apple (type of your choice)

  • Ground spices: cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, cardamom (all to taste)

For this recipe, you can leave the skin on the apple or peel it. Slice or chop your apple ensuring the size stays the same for every piece. Heat 1/4 of a tsp of ghee in a small pan over low to medium low heat. When the ghee is warm, add the apple pieces. Cover and be sure to stir them frequently so they don’t stick. You can add a splash of water slowly to the pan if it needs a little moisture. As the apples cook, add the seasoning to taste using the “sprinkle system” (Please note: this is not an official system, but my own! There are no hard rules here, spicing is to your own taste: a sprinkle each of cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and cardamom. Most likely, you’ll use less cloves and cardamom than cinnamon and nutmeg). Allow the apples to cook until they are fork tender. Some people like to add a splash of maple syrup for a sweet treat. Eat while it’s warm. Feel free to double or triple this recipe! Enjoy!





  • 1 cup of water

  • 1 cup of milk (if you’re using almond milk, use 1/4 cup of water with 1 3/4 cup of almond milk)

  • 1 tsp of grated fresh ginger (peel before grating; I use a fine grater)

  • 2 tsp of black tea

  • 1-2 tsp of sugar (coconut or cane sugar)

  • 1 tsp of cardamom

  • cinnamon, star anise, and cloves can also be added to taste

Bring water, ginger, and cardamom to a boil on high heat. Boil until the ginger is aromatic. Add milk and sugar. Bring the liquid to a boil 3 times. After the 2nd boil, add the black tea and bring to the third boil. Cover and let it sit for a few minutes. When you’re ready, strain the mixture into your mug and enjoy!





  • 2-3 quarts of water

  • 1 TBSP dried elderberries

  • 1 TBSP of grated ginger (less if you prefer)

  • 1 bunch of mint

  • 1/2 - 1 tsp of ground or grated turmeric (if you’re new to using turmeric, you can start with 1/4 to 1/2 tsp because it has a strong flavor)

  • optional: oregano and/or thyme, fresh lemon juice, honey (for sweetness)

Fill your pot with water (using 2 quarts will make the tea stronger than 3 quarts), add elderberries, ginger, mint, and turmeric (and optional ingredients) to the pot and bring to boil. Once the mixture comes to a boil, turn off the heat and let sit for up to 30 minutes. Strain and enjoy! This can be sipped throughout the day and extra can be stored for up to 3 days in the refrigerator.

Recipe credit: Emilie Berger https://www.emiliebergeryoga.com/

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These recipes are not to be used in place of guidance from your health care provider. Please consult your health care provider beforehand if you have any health concerns.