The way you’ve been taught to view, have a relationship with, and engage in self-care within white supremacy culture and capitalism is misguided and downright harmful.

You know this. You know you’re heading for (or living in) burnout.

And you know it’s time to stop perpetuating harmful systems. 

But actually making that shift has likely proven easier said than done…

Hi, I’m Steff Gallante (she/her).

I help liberation-focused and social-change oriented people take the work they are doing out in the world and bring it home with a more embodied, easeful, and human-centered approach to daily life and self-care. Because how we care for ourselves is inextricably tied to the very systems we are working to disrupt. And showing up for this work requires us to be well and to be in integrity.

The #1 thing I see standing in folks’ way is that despite knowing something has got to give, it feels like there simply isn’t space for many competing priorities and their self-care. But the thing is, this is not about figuring out how to pack in more.

It’s about learning to be with the resistance that arises when what you want to do for yourself rubs up against the messaging from dominant culture and then building the skill of dealing with the discomfort of deciding to follow through with self-care when life gets in the way.

Because the reality is:

The systems we are living under are not going to stop and grant us a break to come back to ourselves. That work is on us. Seeing the pathway there requires us to first release the pressure, soften the tension, and gain some clarity.

“Working with Steff for the past year and a half in many different ways has changed the way I think and approach my daily life, my daily rhythms, and what I say yes and no to doing. While I’m still a work in progress (aren’t we all), Steff meets me where I am, as she does everyone.”

- Sammi Dittloff

When you’re in the height of overwhelm, the depths of burnout, time-crunched between competing priorities, or feeling dis-ease, the first wave of relief will come in softening the tension a bit.

This was just what I needed to keep some self-care sprinkled into my overwhelming life going back to full-time work while parenting high-needs tweens.

I appreciated Steff’s thoughtful and diverse offers to help me find little ways to take better care of myself in times of transition. From foods to meditations and movement practices, all the reminders and encouragement were appreciated!
— jessica quindel

Here’s how it works:

Let’s meet on Zoom!

We’ll block off 90 minutes for a Zoom call to discuss what you’re experiencing and how you want to feel as you move through life (we can meet for less time if you don’t need that long).


We’ll work through dealing with the barriers you’re facing and consider steps to meet resistance and discomfort.

Customized self-care

I’ll offer a few simple shifts to your practices based on your available time and energy that you can begin exploring releasing the pressure little by little.

I schedule the Release the Pressure calls during specific* weekly slots: 
  • Thursdays | 3:30PM-5:00PM ET
  • Fridays | 10:30AM-12:00PM ET
Once you submit your payment, you’ll receive a link to my calendar to schedule your call. 
*If these sessions don’t work for you, no problem. I have a few evening options available by special arrangement and we can work together via email to find an alternate time.


The 90-minute Release the Pressure call is available according to a three-tiered justice pricing structure:

For folks who would benefit from financial assistance, this rate is supported by our community.

This rate covers your enrollment.

For folks who can afford to pay a bit more, you'll enable those experiencing financial difficulties to work with me at a lower rate.

Purchases are non-refundable. New to tiered pricing structure? Read more about this justice-centered practice.

If you need assistance beyond the community supported rate, you are encouraged to reach out to me.


“The past 4 years have been incredibly challenging for me due to worldwide, societal, and personal upheaval.

I struggle with staying present in my body; Steff’s teachings have become a touchstone in my life as I have started to “come back”.

I am now taking better care of my mental health than I ever have, and I am regularly connecting to my emotions intentionally.”


Since our session, I’ve been more mindful and more aware overall and that has impacted some of my choices, especially in terms of listening to and honoring my body more.


I have really struggled with slowing down, not overcommitting, and learning how to rest to rejuvenate. The hardest part of my self-care practice is granting myself grace.

So, coming back to these two simple things: the season is 3 months long and that I can balance myself with flexibility in my yoga practice and seasonal eating does a lot for me. Since this session, my practices have been really balanced.


My methodology.  

Within white supremacy culture and capitalism, we are not taught how to truly listen to our needs and deeply care for ourselves. Those of us with marginalized identities are also not afforded the time, space, or resources to do so. And yet, it’s necessary for our well-being, and I’m living proof of that. The systems are keeping us unwell, overwhelmed, burned out, and disconnected from ourselves and each other. In order for us to continue our work in dismantling them, we have got to change how we meet ourselves so we can be well as we tear it all down.  My work is heavily informed by the wisdom and science of Ayurveda and Yoga because both of these traditions bring our awareness back to ourselves, our self-love, and how we move through the world in community with others.

I created a framework to help clients alleviate burnout and overwhelm sustainably. It’s a flexible and personal process that’s not linear, and often involves fluid movement between steps as you continue to navigate one situation to the next.


When you’re in the height of overwhelm, feeling dis-ease, the depths of burnout, or time-crunched between competing priorities, the first wave of relief will come in softening the tension a bit.

To release the pressure, we’ll work together in establishing the building blocks of your foundation to:

  1. Acknowledge the reality and validity of a) what you’re experiencing AND b) how you want to feel.

  2. Develop ways to meet yourself in the resistance that arises when what you want to do for yourself rubs up against the messaging from dominant culture and begin practices to build the skill of dealing with the discomfort of deciding to follow through with self-care when life gets in the way.

  3. Nourish yourself with basic self-care practices and even begin simple shifts based on your needs, time, and energy.

  4. Keep releasing the pressure little by little.


We all have behaviors we repeat that we developed based on coping or that were taught to us by family or society. Unfortunately, we may not be aware of how our patterns are keeping overwhelm, burnout, or the struggle in managing competing priorities going strong (no shade or shame here!).

During this process, we’ll work together in developing personalized skills and tools to:

  1. Build your awareness of your shoulds, judgements, standards, expectations, ideals, reactive behaviors, old beliefs, truths that are not yours, spiritual bypassing, gaslighting.

  2. Identify when and how your patterns are showing up.

  3. Develop your capacity to be uncomfortable with what shows up and with releasing judgment or shame.


Once you’ve released the pressure and have begun to identify your patterns, it’s time to break shit up.

In this period of customized coaching, we’ll use the foundation, skills, and tools you’ve developed to support your work in disrupting old processes and:

  1. Create intentional shifts that disrupt your patterned behavior.

  2. Explore practices that will support you in interrupting the cycle, all based on your current bandwidth and capacity.

  3. Recognize when old habits or behavior that doesn’t serve you happen and course correct (without judgement or shame!).

  4. Develop mindset shifts.


Continue utilizing practices to help you release the pressure, identify your patterns, interrupt the cycle, promote ease, and experience joy.

Support is available in my self-care group mentorship program that includes personalized self-care coaching, weekly livestream Yoga and Zumba classes, restorative and meditation practices, and a monthly group gathering on Zoom so that you can:

  1. Continue to keep things super simple.

  2. Remain flexibile in honoring your needs and circumstances as they are.

  3. Explore new practices that deepen your connection to yourself, allow you to authentically connect to your community, and elevate the way you allow yourself to enjoy your life.

  4. Begin to thrive!

Remember: this process is alive and fluid, and your life is happening in real time so it may actually look like this:

Revisiting steps to reinforce new behaviors or to support you in new challenges that you uncover as you continue to move through life.