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It’s time to transform, expand, and reap.


summer Community Circle

Tuesday, June 20th - 7:15PM-7:45PM ET | 4:15PM - 4:45PM PT

online | captioned | recorded*

Let’s come together, open space to listen to what our being is needing for the summer, and set an intention for how we will honor our deep needs through committed action.



The Community Circle is a place of care for people who show up in the world fiercely for others.

To be held in the same care that you so deeply show others.



Disruptors need to be cared for and have space to lean on, be held in, and uplifted too.


A space specifically for disruptors to disrupt your own status quo, routines, discomfort with self-care, thoughts of the self-care you deserve, your calendar, your time, and all the barriers that keep you from making that time to do supportive practices consistently.

Most importantly, the Community Circle can be a place of support for the shit that comes up when you get quiet AND the shit that comes up around the discomfort of that - because SHIT WILL COME UP.


And this can be a real obstacle, even for disruptors like you who know these practices are impactful, because it can be hard to deal with the tough stuff we lock away or the stuff we just don’t have the capacity to handle right now. 

Together, let’s pause, get quiet and curious, create mind space, connect to our collective breath, meditate, and amplify our self-care.

Let’s open space for ourselves to simply be without expectation or in support of someone else.

Let’s move through some of the baggage you’re carrying around so you can continue to do your important work in the world, show up authentically and resourced, and live on YOUR terms. 


In this monthly 30 minute session we’ll:

  • Connect and share what we’re carrying, nurturing, or celebrating (if you feel open to it)

  • Explore a teaching on Yoga philosophy or Ayurveda self-care principle for seasonal support - for meeting yourself in the moment (especially stressful ones) with aligned action, compassion, and grace.

  • Practice pranayama - to calm your nervous system, nourish the deepest layers of your cells, and foster a feeling of steadiness and uplifting.

  • Meditate - witness yourself in the moment, stimulate shifts in the brain, and create space for how you want to experience life and support your community.

Gather to connect, uplift, and be held by one another. 


In this Circle, you have full autonomy over your practice and agency over your body and experience. You can actively engage in each or some of these practices or simply arrive and be with us. Your camera can be on or off. In this space we will uphold these Community Agreements.

Cost: sliding scale of $1-$30 so that you may pay what you are able and a free option is also offered for those facing financial insecurity. Here’s some guidance on justice pricing and choosing the option that best suits you while doing your part to uplift the community or be supported by it.

* Only the guided breathing and meditation will be recorded. To preserve the energy and bravery in the space, the optional participant sharing portion of the session will NOT be recorded.