44. How to keep wintering when society is sprinting forward

Winter calls us to slow down, turn inward, rest, reflect, rejuvenate, and imagine. For 3 months. And as you might be feeling, there is a huge ass conflict with that and the way dominant culture is behaving itself. In this week’s episode, the shit we need to talk about is how complicated the start of winter is and how hard it is to keep wintering through January and February when society is sprinting forward.

We’ll also discuss: 

  • Ways to continue to answer nature’s winter call to slow down, to turn inward, to rest, reflect, rejuvenate, imagine, and slowly plan

  • Being with resistance when it arises 

  • Taking action despite discomfort as you create new patterns with your self-care

Drop into the goodness here!


45. Meeting the resistance to resting


43. Unfuck your New Year’s resolution