48. Use the Leap Day bonus time throughout the year

We get a bonus day this year. An extra 24 hours. A bonus 1440 minutes. 86,400 seconds more to work with. 

What an amazing thing it would be to do something special on February 29th (or later if you’re getting to this episode after!)

How about making this time work for you? Not just on the Leap Day but throughout the year?

In this episode, we:

  • Dive into the science behind the Leap Year (cuz to me, this is just the coolest!)

  • Explore the Leap Year in calendars of cultures around the globe

  • Consider options for doing something bold, cheerful, or heartfelt

  • Contemplate how you can use the Leap Day bonus time throughout the year

Jump in for all the goodness!


49. Consistent doesn’t mean constant


47. The problem with peer pressuring our own exercise