47. The problem with peer pressuring our own exercise

The shit we need to talk about this week: We need to examine how our own guilt, shame, and peer pressure play into our relationship with exercise.

Cuz the reality is, for us liberation-focused folks, it’s still there. 

- It’s there in the guilt of not having the energy, motivation, or desire to work out.

- It's there in the judgment of not having the energy to do the workout the way you planned.

- It’s there in the shame of making changes and not doing the workout like you planned to.

- It’s there in the worry about whether you will actually reach the health and wellness goals you have (cuz even if you’re not all into dominant culture’s workout as intensely as possible every  damn day messaging, the reality is, you still have goals for yourself, as you should!)

- It’s in the peer pressure of doing a workout anyway or a certain way anyway even though everything in your entire being is saying not today.

If we’re being really real with ourselves, and take a step back and really consider this, we’ll see allllll the places and scenarios where the guilt, shame, and peer pressure are present. 

And the questions that I keep coming back to every time I hear a client, friend, colleague, family member, including liberation-focused folks (like myself!) saying: “I was supposed to workout today…” or “I know I was supposed to do this workout, buuuuut”... etc, arre why do we continue to put so much pressure on ourselves in this area of our lives? Why do we take on all the blame for the times we have to change the plan? (You can bet I’m going to say it’s not our fault!) And what are the effects of all of this pressure?

We need to move forward in a gentler, more aligned way.

The support offered in this episode includes:

  • Prompts to examine why exercise is such a pressure-packed situation for us

  • Understanding how the system and our intuition are at play (and in conflict with each other)

  • Ayurveda’s guidance on shifting exercise and yoga asana based on the energy in nature and within us for a more aligned (and less harmful) experience

Jump in for all the goodness!


48. Use the Leap Day bonus time throughout the year


46. For self-love to work, you’ve gotta be a friend to yourself first.