34. Foster stability within your life

Decrease dysregulation and burnout

The shit we need to talk about this week: Fall is an incredibly busy and variable season, which can feel great for some but it can be totally dysregulating and aggravating for others. So, we need to be focused on fostering stability from now. 

Fostering stability is cultivating the ability to tolerate difficulty and withstand adversity without becoming consumed by your emotions and responding reactively.

And it’s good timing since we’re now in the second to last week of August, and some of you have already experienced the change in schedule and responsibilities and the rest of us are getting ready for it.

Without an active practice of fostering stability within yourself, then friend, I hate to say it but I’m gonna say the hard thing anyway: dysregulation will be a regular occurrence and burnout will be coming for you. It doesn’t have to be this way. That’s the real talk and you know I won’t shy away from it because it doesn’t do either of us any favors! 

The practices we’re discussing in this episode for fostering stability include:

  • Regularly grounding yourself throughout your day

  • Building in blank space to your day

  • Leaning on your a daily rhythm

Jump in for all the goodness!


35. Ease your inner turbulence


33. Savor summer’s sweetness